The most advanced reporting tool for GSC

The Data Explorer in PowerSearchConsole is the most advanced and flexible reporting tool on the market to investigate your Google Search Console Data. It brings together all the power that we offer: filtering, thresholds, sorting, dimensions, saved reports and more.

Screenshot of the data explorer

Explainer Video: Data Explorer

Watch the 4-minute video where I’ll show you the highlights of the Data Explorer, or check the full documentation down below.

All features

Let’s walk through all the features of the Data Explorer step by step:

  • Saved and popular reports
  • Periods
  • Filters
  • Thresholds
  • Queries, Pages, Sections, Devices, Countries
  • Combine dimensions
  • Sorting
  • Open the drilldown drawer
  • Quick item filters
  • Smart pagination
  • Export all data

Despite all these features, we do not have to store your data. We always query Google Search Console live.

While we have curated 45+ useful reports already, you may also want to save your own reports.

We make it really easy to go back to previous reports:

  • You can save any combination of filters and thresholds.
  • Every user in your organization can access these.
  • You can also just copy the url of the Data Explorer, and it will preserve your filters if you share it with anyone. To quickly copy the URL, click the link icon in the top right.

Easily access saved and popular reports.


Naturally we offer switching the period you are investigating. We support days, weeks, months, quarters, 14-day, 28-day, 30-day and 90-day periods out of the box.

By default we show trends for the preceding period. But you can easily change the comparison period:

  • Compare YOY (December 2025 vs December 2024)
  • Compare with any random period
  • Compare against all previous days (useful in combination with thresholds to find new keywords)

Choose your period and comparison period.

Filters & Thresholds

PowerSearchConsole support 60+ filters, thresholds and ways to sort out of the box. In addition, we make it as easy as possible to apply filters, by always showing your favorites as well as top pages, sections and countries directly in the filter menu.

Filter by page sections.

Queries, Pages, Sections, Devices, Countries

You can easily toggle the dimension of the report.

Beyond the default dimensions in Google Search Console (Queries, Pages, Devices and Countries), we also allow you to look at Site Sections.

Toggle Dimensions.

Combine Dimensions

A unique feature of PowerSearchConsole is combining dimensions. Segment by Page + Country, Query + Device, or all dimensions combined.

Combine Dimensions.


You can sort your report in 30 different ways. We explain this in detail here.

In summary, you can sort by any metric or dimension, as well as by trends (increase in clicks, decrease in position, etc).

Sorting in many different ways

Open the drilldown drawer

Click on any query, page or other dimension to open the drilldown drawer.

The drilldown drawer will give you a historic chart, as well as a literal drilldown: how does your keyword perform across countries, or how does your page perform across devices?

Open the drilldown drawer for any keyword, page, section, device or country.

Quick item filters

Below any keyword, query or other dimension, you can find some useful quick options;

  • Apply the item as a filter.
  • Look at other dimensions for this item (e.g. queries for a page).
  • View related long-tail keywords (for queries only)
  • Open the actual Page URL in a new tab (for pages only)

Click the link to apply as filter.

Export all data

While GSC allows you to export up to 1000 rows only, we allow you to export all your data.

Export limited data from GSC

Get started for free

You have to try it for yourself to understand the power! Use the Data Explorer immediately by signing up for a free 7-day trial, no credit card required.

Small sites can use the Data Explorer and other PowerSearchConsole features free even after the trial!

What is PowerSearchConsole?

PowerSearchConsole is the best reporting tool for your Google Search Console data. Read more on the ways it can help you here.