Bookmark your important keywords and pages

PowerSearchConsole allows you to bookmark your favorite queries (keywords) and pages. A separate tab on your Site Summary allows you to quickly see how these starred pages and keywords perform.

Explainer Video: Favorite keywords and pages

Watch the 60-second video where I’ll show you how to add and monitor favorite keywords and pages in PowerSearchConsole.

Just click the star icon

To star an item, just click the star icon displayed in front. It will immediately turn yellow, indicating that it is now a favorite. You can revert this simply by clicking again.

An example of starred queries.

Do note that stars are shared across all users within your organization. If you star a page, it will be starred for everyone.

Coming soon: I am working on supporting multiple colored stars, allowing you to create multiple categories of related pages or queries. This would (for example) allow to mark keywords with a commercial intent.

Find all starred items

You can find your favorite items in two different ways:

Option 1: Via the Favorites tab in the Site Summary.

The favorites tab in the site summary.

Option 2: By applying a filter in the Data Explorer.

Find favorites in the Data Explorer.

Try for free

Our free plan directly allows you to add favorite pages and queries. You can sign up to PowerSearchConsole for free, no credit card required.

If your site is small, you can even continue to use PowerSearchConsole after your free trial is over.

What is PowerSearchConsole?

PowerSearchConsole is the best reporting tool for your Google Search Console data. Read more on the ways it can help you here.