Powerful filtering to discover valuable SEO insights
PowerSearchConsole offers all the filtering that you can also find in Google Search Console, and much more. Our reporting tool supports advanced filtering capabilities that reveal powerful insights which help you stay on top of your Google performance.
Explainer Video: Filters, Thresholds and Sorting Options
Watch the 4-minute video where I’ll show you the filtering options in PowerSearchConsole.
Get started
You can find the filters & thresholds on top of the Site Summary as well as Data Explorer. Do note that thresholds are only available in the Data Explorer.
The save, open and share buttons on the right side allow you to save and retrieve combinations of filters that you’ve used before. In addition, the URL of the report changes as you add filters, so you can just copy the Report URL, and share or bookmark it to return to the same view.
This article can be used to discover all the filters supported, as well as a help document for those using the them. It will walk through the following types of filtering functionality:
Query (keyword) filters
We support a large number of filters to narrow down the keyword results. They are especially powerful when used in combination.
Favorite Queries: you can easily mark important queries as favorites by starring them. It is easy to filter the results to only include favorite queries by clicking **Show all favorite queries” in the filters bar.
Queries containing: this filter allows you to find queries that contain a certain word or phrase. This filter is more advanced than in Google Search Console, we allow you to choose whether to match against any word order or only the exact same word order.
For example, if you try to match against the “budget hotel” phrase, by checking the “Any word order” checkbox, the results will also queries like “budget friendly hotels” or “hotel for a low budget”.
Queries exactly matching: the Exact Match filter can be used to find a single specific query.
Queries not containing: this filter is useful to filter results further down, usually in combination with other filters. By adding a phrase to this filter, any query that includes that phrase will be excluded from the results.
One query in wordlist: this is another unique filter offered by PowerSearchConsole. You can add multiple words, and queries need to include at least one of them.
For example, lets say you want to find all dining related keywords. You may use the “One in wordlist” filter and add phrases such as dining, restaurants, lunch and dinner.
Number of words: find long-tail (or short) keywords easily by filtering by number of words. You can just drag the slider to set your prefered number of words, and only queries that match this number will be returned.
Find questions: easily find any query that contains one of the following words: how, what, when, where, which, who, why. This only works for the English language at the moment, but we’re planning to add more languages.
Regular expressions: advanced users may want to create their own regular expressions to match queries against. This works the same as in Google Search Console. You may reverse the Regex by checking the “Excluding Regex” checkbox.
Page URL filters
We offer all filtering options that Google Search Console provides, as well as quick ways to select one of your top pages (by highest number of Clicks) or favorited pages.
Urls containing: find any urls that contain a specific part. This can be used to narrow down Site Sections as well.
Exact URL: filter by one specific Page URL.
URLs not containing: find URLs that do not contain a specific part. Powerful in combination with other filters to exclude those pages that were included unintended.
Regular expressions: advanced users may want to create their own regular expressions to match pages against. This works the same as in Google Search Console. You may reverse the Regex by checking the “Excluding Regex” checkbox.
Site section filters
One unique feature of PowerSearchConsole is easy visibility on how your Site Sections (folders) are performing. Think of the total performance of all your /blog/ or /product/ pages.
We make it really easy to filter by your most popular sections, as we display them directly in the filters. Just select one to apply it as a filter!
Country Filters
Filter your reports by specific countries. We already populate a list of countries where you get the most clicks from, making it easy to select them.
Groups of countries: While Google Search Console only allows you to select one country, we allow you to select multiple countries. This way, you can monitor performance traffic from a wider region.
Device filters
It is possible to apply device filters with a single click. This way, you can monitor performance of your keywords and pages for mobile, tablet or desktop users specifically.
Thresholds by metric
Thresholds are a useful way to filter results by actual metrics. Filter out keywords that only get a small number of impressions. Find pages with low CTR scores. Discover keywords for which you rank on Page 2 of Google already - those might be worth targeting!
We support thresholds for the following metrics:
- Clicks
- Impressions
- CTR (Click-through-rate)
- Average Position
Thresholds by comparison period
Easily keywords that used to be on position 1, but are no longer. Or pages that are losing traffic versus the comparison period.
By default, we always compare to the preceding period. However, you can apply any comparison period:
- Year on year (e.g. December 2025 vs December 2024, for seasonal keywords)
- Compare this week vs the 4 weeks before it (to compare long-term trends)
- Compare this month with all months before it (this way, you can discover new keywords)
You can set 10 types of comparison thresholds:
- For the comparison period:
- Previous Clicks
- Previous Impressions
- Previous CTR
- Previous Average Position
- By absolute change:
- Clicks Difference
- Impressions Difference
- Position Difference
- By percentage change:
- Clicks Difference
- Impressions Difference
- CTR Difference
You can sort your results in 30(!) different ways. That may sound like a lot, but it unlocks powerful reporting capabilities that can reveal interesting insights from your Google Search Console Data.
All ways to sort:
- By Dimensions:
- By Query (A-Z or Z-A)
- By Page URL (A-Z or Z-A)
- By Country (A-Z or Z-A)
- By Site Section (A-Z or Z-A)
- By Device (A-Z or Z-A)
- By Metrics:
- By Total Clicks (High to Low or Low to High)
- By Total Impressions (High to Low or Low to High)
- By Average CTR (High to Low or Low to High)
- By Average Position (Best to Worst or Worst to Best)
- By Absolute Change vs comparison period:
- By Absolute Clicks Change (Increase or Decrease)
- By Absolute Impressions Change (Increase or Decrease)
- By Position Change (Improving or Worsening)
- By Percentage Change vs comparison period:
- By Percentual Clicks Change (Increase or Decrease)
- By Percentual Impressions Change (Increase or Decrease)
- By Average CTR Change (Improving or Worsening)
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If your site is small, you can even continue to use PowerSearchConsole for free. Check the <a href=”/pricing/”Pricing Plans</a> for more information.
What is PowerSearchConsole?
PowerSearchConsole is the best reporting tool for your Google Search Console data. Read more on the ways it can help you here.