We’ve already created many reports for you

PowerSearchConsole supports over 45 useful SEO reports out of the box. Which keywords are losing clicks? Which pages received their first ever impressions in Google? Which countries are trending down? Which keywords lost their Top 3 Position recently?

For these reports, we do not have to store your data. We always query Google Search Console live.

Explainer Video: 45+ Reports

Watch the 2-minute video where I’ll walk you through the prebuild reports in PowerSearchConsole.

Start with Mini Reports

All pre-curated reports can be accessed through the Mini Report boxes on your Site Summary. In the screenshot below, we’ve switched to the “New” tab, which reveals new keywords that our site is now getting clicks from for the first time ever.

Example: the New Queries Report

By switching the tabs, you can quickly move from report to report. But only the most popular reports are listed on the tabs. Click More Reports to reveal additional SEO Reports that might be useful to you.

More Reports dropdown.

If you are using the Data Explorer, which is the most advanced reporting tool in PowerSearchConsole, there is another quick way to access these prebuild reports. Just click the blue “Popular Reports” button and a sidebar listing all reports will open

Popular reports can also be found in a sidebar.

45+ Reports?

For those that want to double-check our claims, here’s the full list of all SEO Reports that PowerSearchConsole offers out of the box. We’re planning to add many more down the line.

Do note that there are infinite reports possible, as you can combine these reports with each other, create your own using thresholds, or add advanced filtering.

Access many reports directly from the SEO Overview.

The complete list

Query (keyword) Reports:

  1. Top Queries
    Top Queries with the most clicks.
  2. Trending Up
    Queries with more clicks vs. the comparison period.
  3. Trending Down
    Queries with less clicks vs. the comparison period.
  4. New Queries
    Queries which received clicks for the first time ever.
  5. Favorite Queries
    Favorite Queries that were manually starred.
  6. Impressions Up
    Queries with more impressions vs. the comparison period.
  7. Impressions Down
    Queries with less impressions vs. the comparison period.
  8. New Impressions
    Queries which received impressions for the first time ever.
  9. First Position
    Queries ranking in First Average Position in Google.
  10. New in First Position
    Queries newly ranking in the First Average Position in Google.
  11. Lost First Position
    Queries no longer ranking in the First Average Position in Google.
  12. Top 3 Position
    Queries ranking in a Top 3 Average Position in Google.
  13. New in Top 3 Position
    Queries newly ranking in a Top 3 Average Position in Google.
  14. Lost Top 3 Position
    Queries no longer ranking in a Top 3 Average Position in Google.
  15. Top 10 Position
    Queries ranking in a Top 10 Average Position in Google.
  16. New in Top 10 Position
    Queries newly ranking in a Top 10 Average Position in Google.
  17. Lost Top 10 Position
    Queries no longer ranking in a Top 10 Average Position in Google.

Page Reports:

  1. Top Pages
    Top Pages with the most clicks.
  2. Trending Up
    Pages with more clicks vs. the comparison period.
  3. Trending Down
    Pages with less clicks vs. the comparison period.
  4. New Pages
    Pages which received clicks for the first time ever.
  5. Favorite Pages
    Favorite Pages that were manually starred.
  6. Impressions Up
    Pages with more impressions vs. the comparison period.
  7. Impressions Down
    Pages with less impressions vs. the comparison period.
  8. New Impressions
    Pages which received impressions for the first time ever.

Site Section Reports:

  1. Top Sections
    Top Site Sections with the most clicks.
  2. Trending Up
    Site Sections with more clicks vs. the comparison period.
  3. Trending Down
    Site Sections with less clicks vs. the comparison period.
  4. New Sections
    Site Sections which received clicks for the first time ever.
  5. Impressions Up
    Site Sections with more impressions vs. the comparison period.
  6. Impressions Down
    Site Sections with less impressions vs. the comparison period.
  7. New Impressions
    Site Sections which received impressions for the first time ever.

Country Reports:

  1. Top Countries
    Top Countries with the most clicks.
  2. Trending Up
    Countries with more clicks vs. the comparison period.
  3. Trending Down
    Countries with less clicks vs. the comparison period.
  4. New Countries
    Countries which received clicks for the first time ever.
  5. Impressions Up
    Countries with more impressions vs. the comparison period.
  6. Impressions Down
    Countries with less impressions vs. the comparison period.
  7. New Impressions
    Countries which received impressions for the first time ever.

Device Reports:

  1. Top Devices
    Top Devices with the most clicks.
  2. Trending Up
    Devices with more clicks vs. the comparison period.
  3. Trending Down
    Devices with less clicks vs. the comparison period.
  4. New Devices
    Devices which received clicks for the first time ever.
  5. Impressions Up
    Devices with more impressions vs. the comparison period.
  6. Impressions Down
    Devices with less impressions vs. the comparison period.
  7. New Impressions
    Devices which received impressions for the first time ever.

Get started for free

Use these reports immediately for your own site! Sign up for a free 7-day trial, no credit card required.

By the way, small sites can user PowerSearchConsole free forever!

What is PowerSearchConsole?

PowerSearchConsole is the best reporting tool for your Google Search Console data. Read more on the ways it can help you here.